State Board of Optometry Update | California Optometric Association
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State Board of Optometry Update


The California State Board of Optometry (SBO) met in late November and several issues potentially impacting doctors of optometry were on the agenda:

Implementation of AB 684, new law prohibiting employment of an OD by a health plan - SBO has held several meetings recently about the implementation of AB 684, legislation that was signed into law in 2015 to regulate the business relationships between optometrists, opticians and optical companies. The new law also transitions the regulation of opticians and non-resident contact lens sellers to SBO. SBO is planning to promulgate regulations and is seeking changes to the statute to ensure that: 1) the law can be better implemented; and 2) that SBO has sufficient funds for enforcement.

Workgroups to be formed - SBO is establishing two workgroups to address two issues: 1) a pathway for licensure for foreign grads; and 2) mobile optometric clinics. If you have any concerns about either of those issues, we would like to hear from you! Please contact Kristine Shultz, COA director of government  affairs.

SBO supports SB 622 - The State Board of Optometry voted to "support" SB 622, COA's legislation to expand the optometric scope of practice.

Opternative - SBO discussed Opternative, a new website that claims to provide an online eye exam. COA testified at the meeting about our members' concerns and we have submitted an official complaint to SBO about Opternative. Members of SBO raised serious concerns about this and other online refraction tools available to consumers because they are misleading and potentially harmful to the public. SBO decided to hold numerous subcommittee meetings to determine the best course of action to protect the public from this potentially harmful technology.

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California Optometric Association
2701 Del Paso Road, Ste. 130-398 | Sacramento, CA 95835 | 833-206-0598