Overview of COA/AOA's Actions Against Unproven Online 'Vision Tests' | California Optometric Association
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Overview of COA/AOA's Actions Against Unproven Online 'Vision Tests'

Many of our members have expressed concerns about online refraction websites. Optometrists are not opposed to the technology, they are opposed to the technology being used in a way that will leave consumers with a prescription for glasses that is not correct and will delay diagnosis of serious disease. Rest assured that AOA and COA are taking every action possible to fight online refraction services being available directly to consumers: 

  • COA/AOA have filed formal complaints with the Federal Trade Commission, Federal Food and Drug Administration, California Board of Optometry, Medical Board of California, and state and federal attorneys general (see “AOA files expansive FDA complaint against Opternative,” below).
  • COA has testified about concerns with online refraction at several State Board of Optometry hearings.
  • COA and AOA have been collecting evidence of real and potential patient problems. Members and non-members are encouraged to submit patient examples every day.
  • COA and AOA have held private meetings with elected and regulatory officials to explain the consumer harm that can come from online refractions.
  • COA has created two videos that demonstrate the dangers of online refraction. Share them via social media as often as you can!

1-Minute Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEtScLmo5a4 

2-Minute Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ld1U_CaIGLM

•    COA and AOA are consulting their attorneys about legal options.
•    COA participated in a State Board of Optometry committee meeting where the SBO strategized how a public relations campaign can be created that will make Californian’s aware of the problems with online refraction.
•    AOA’s active media advocacy efforts have been successful in getting optometry heard loud and clear nationally in recent weeks with articles published in: The Chicago Tribune, Bloomberg BNA (subscription needed), POLITICO, Medscape Medical News, Associations Now and The Gray Sheet.
•    COA is planning media training for optometrist spokespersons who can talk about this issue with local and national media outlets. 

If you have any questions or comments, or are interested in becoming a spokesperson for COA, please feel free to contact Kristine Shultz, COA government affairs director, at (916) 266-5027.

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California Optometric Association
2701 Del Paso Road, Ste. 130-398 | Sacramento, CA 95835 | 833-206-0598